PLATINUM - $20,000 (for both events)
- Listed as a Platinum sponsor on invitation, event notice, program book, website
- Full-page, full-color recognition in program book
- Logo included on save-the-date and invitation emails; event webpage; event signage
- Stage mention as Platinum sponsor during speaking program
- Eight reserved seats
GOLD - $10,000 (for both events)
- Listed as a Gold sponsor on invitation, event notice, program book and website
- Half-page, full-color recognition in program book
- Logo included on save-the-date, and event webpage
- Stage mention as Gold sponsor during speaking program
- Six reserved seats
SILVER - $5,000 (for both events)
- Listed as a Silver sponsor on invitation, event notice, program book and website
- Quarter-page, full-color recognition in program book
- Four reserved seats
BRONZE - $2,000 (for both events)
- Listed as a Bronze sponsor on invitation, event notice, program book and website
- Two reserved seats