We care about many of the thousands of bills that were filed, we are focusing on three bills our members identified as priorities.
Please call your State Senators and State Representatives and ask them to co-sponsor the following bills:
1. Extend the Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) with An Act to Promote High-Impact Community Investment (H.2617 & S.1511)
Sponsored by Senator DiDomenico & Rep. Kulik
- Extend the CITC through 2025;
- Lift overall cap progressively to $12 million in 2023;
- Lift the individual CDC caps in alignment with the overall cap, maxing out at $300K in 2023.
CLICK HERE for more information
Sign our list to show the Massachusetts Legislature, and the public overall, your support for the CITC program
2. An Act Financing the Production and Preservation of Housing for Low and Moderate Income Residents (H.675) – the Housing Bond Bill
Sponsored by Rep. Honan & Senator Dorcena Forry
- This bill will authorize $1.7 billion in capital funding for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Housing Stabilization Fund, Housing Innovation Fund and other housing programs.
CLICK HERE for more information
3. An Act to Sustain Community Preservation Revenue
Sponsored by Rep. Kulik, Rep. Honan & Senator Creem
- Adjust the fees collected at the Registries of Deeds across the state, so that all current CPA communities would receive a 50% first round distribution match.
CLICK HERE for more information
For more information, contact David Bryant at (617) 379-5927 or davidb@macdc.org