2018 - 2023 Strategic Plan

On September 21, 2018, the MACDC Board of Directors approved a new strategic plan to guide our work for the next five years.

The plan was developed over the course of a year-long process during which we engaged our members, funders, partners and stakeholders. The Board held a full-day retreat at the beginning of the process to define the key issues to explore and a second full-day retreat at the end to affirm our strategy.

The Strategic Plan builds on our successes in recent years, while also laying out an approach to dealing with new challenges and opportunities.  Our plan continues to be centered on our members.  At our core, we are a membership organization dedicated to helping our members succeed in their local communities, while also providing them with a vehicle for working together on larger system and policy issues.

MACDC’s 2019-2023 Strategic Plan is built on five core priorities: 
1. Build the power and voice of lower-income people and people of color to shape the future of their communities and their own lives;
2. Expand affordable housing in places where low- and moderate-income people can thrive;
3. Reduce income and wealth inequality across the state;
4. Drive the convergence of community development and community health;
5. Promote racial equity within the field and the Commonwealth.

To achieve these priorities, we will pursue our work through four major program areas:
1. Member Services – providing technical assistance, peer learning, and other supports to members;
2. Advocacy and System Reform – Leveraging our collective power to fight for policies and system reforms that help our members achieve their work locally and help expand economic opportunity and racial justice throughout our Commonwealth;
3. Mel King Institute for Community Building – Offering high quality training and support to professional community developers, board members, community leaders and everyone else involved in our field;
4. Research and Innovation – Conducting research about and for our field while promoting/supporting innovation in the field.