MACDC President Joe Kriesberg and Executive Director of Asian CDC, Janelle Chan, now serve as two of several new members to the New England Community Development Advisory Council. This council provides instrumental support to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston on issues pertinent to community development and ways in which the bank can improve communities and the lives of low and moderate income families. The council is representative of several different sectors from across New England, including academic institutions, foundations, community organizations, private non profit developers, state and local government, and banks. The work of the Advisory Council plays a role in the larger system of Federal Reserve Banks as well, providing national support to community development initiatives as a whole. Joe Kriesberg has also been chosen to serve on the Housing Matters Advisory Committee. How Housing Matters, an organization sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation and the Urban Land Institute, produces key research on how education, economy, and health can be improved by affordable housing.Congratulations Joe and Janelle!