Dillon Bustin, artistic director at Hibernian Hall, has announced that Jacqui Parker will be Visiting Playwright during 2015-2016. "I'm very pleased that Ms. Parker has agreed to grace our stage with her acting and directing as well as her scripts during the next two seasons," said Bustin in making the announcement. Parker says she is thrilled with the invitation from Hibernian Hall, and she plans to write and direct two plays in 2015 during the first half of the residency. The first is "Roads to Wisdom," celebrating life stories of elders in Roxbury. This play, written in affiliation with Project Right in Grove Hall, will be presented at Hibernian Hall on May 14-17. Her original play "A Crack in the Blue Wall," about a young black male shot by a white police officer, will have a try-out production July 9-12, and a fully staged extended run in November. In this drama Parker will address the breakdown of the family of the victim as well as a breakdown in the justice system.Photo Credit: Redford Lee