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A Sea of White Coats at the State House

May 30th, 2023 by

“If any of us are going to have a medical emergency, I suppose this is the time,” we joked among ourselves. As staff from the Massachusetts Association of CDCs (MACDC), we were in a room of about fifty people, and the three of us were among the few not wearing white coats. We weren’t in a medical facility or a medical school classroom, but rather in a room in the State House, meeting with a group who could have been extras on the television show “Grey’s Anatomy.” These medical students had come from Springfield and Worcester to spend a day talking to their legislators about the importance of housing quality to the health of their future patients. 

While medical students advocating for funding for improving homes might be unexpected, this event was exactly the type of collaboration which I had imagined when I (Elana) became the first Program Director for Health Equity at MACDC over four years ago. Shortly after I started at MACDC, I worked with other members of the Alliance for Community Health Integration (ACHI) and with hospital representatives to develop Principles for Healthy and Affordable Housing. This document was a list of shared understandings about the ways in which housing impacts the health of Massachusetts residents signed by several major hospitals and the Massachusetts Hospital Association (MHA). The Principles for Affordable Housing served as a gateway for future affordable housing advocacy by medical practitioners. Flash-forward to 2023 and five major hospitals have signed on in support of the Massachusetts Healthy Homes Program (MHHP). MHHP would address a multitude of health hazards and habitability concerns through grants and loans to eligible owner-occupants and loans to investor-owners, with protections for existing tenants. 

Building on this support by hospitals, Andrea Freeman at the Public Health Institute of Western Mass. contacted us to let us know Baystate Health would be coordinating a group of medical students from UMass Medical School’s Population-based Urban and Rural Community Health (PURCH) Program to come to the State House to advocate for the MHHP. On May 3rd, we joined the medical students, Andrea, and local legislators at the State House. 

The presence of PURCH students at the State House humanized the issue, providing poignant examples of how the Massachusetts Healthy Homes Program can positively impact the lives of individuals and families. We at MACDC believe that as healthcare professionals, medical students – the future doctors -  have a unique perspective on the impact of policies on patient care and outcomes. By being aware of health-related policies, they can actively contribute to shaping public health strategies.  

It was refreshing to see that students of UMass Medical School believe that advocacy is an essential aspect of the medical profession and for Baystate Health to support the students’ advocacy work. They understand that as doctors they have a professional and ethical responsibility to advocate for the needs of marginalized and underserved communities and to help support resources to which they can refer their future patients. State Senators Manny Cruz and Jake Oliveira and State Representative Shirley Arriaga encouraged these students to use their roles to help address systemic inequalities, promote led abatement and health equity through MHHP, and ensure equitable access to healthcare services!  

Inspired by the speeches, the students went around the State House and talked to legislators about co-sponsoring and supporting MHHP. Through their unwavering dedication and ability to connect the dots between health outcomes and living conditions, these students have successfully paved the way for transformative change and a brighter, healthier future for all Massachusetts residents. Their advocacy serves as an inspiring example of the transformative power of passionate individuals working together for the betterment of society. 

 Check out this news clip to see local coverage of the PURCH day at the State House! 


Step up for Lobby Day

May 17th, 2023 by Amanda Kahan
Angie Liou, Chair of the MACDC Board

On Thursday, May 25, MACDC will hold its first in-person Lobby Day in four years, and we could not be more excited! On Lobby Day, staff, board members, and community members supporting our 102 member organizations will meet at the State House, rally around shared goals, and then bring legislative priorities from their communities to their elected representatives This is a face-to-face aspect of our democratic process that we all missed during the difficult years of the pandemic. As Chair of the MACDC Board, I have missed this important part of our organization’s annual program.

Lobby Day 2023 takes place at a critical moment for the community development movement. Our political leadership acknowledges that the Commonwealth is facing a housing crisis that threatens the foundations of our dynamic economy. With the support of the Legislature, Governor Healey has created a new state department charged with meeting this challenge head on, and has just named Housing Secretary, Ed Augustus to lead that department. We look forward to working with the Secretary to protect existing affordable housing and to continue to expand the supply of housing accessible to families and individuals making less than the state’s median income.

Lobby Day offers us an opportunity to advance our priorities through direct contact with legislative decision makers. After a 9:30 gathering in the Hall of Flags and food to boost our energy, we will hear a short line-up of community development leaders and some of the legislators leading the charge on community development issues, such as Senator Sal DiDomenico and Rep. Jay Livingstone.

Our speakers will leave us ready to fan out across the State House to visit the offices of our legislators and inform them on issues like the Community Investment Tax Credit, a hugely successful bill that is up for expansion and renewal this year. Lobby Day attendees will also have a chance to bring up budget items that will be under discussion that very day in the Senate chamber, and other legislative measures that are important in their communities.

Please consider joining us as we renew this long tradition of direct advocacy on issues that matter to us all. There is still time to join Lobby Day! Register today at: . I look forward to seeing you May 25th at Lobby Day!


MACDC Response to SVB Collapse

March 17th, 2023 by Amanda Kahan

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is significantly impacting MACDC's members who are working to build and preserve affordable housing to Massachusetts. As a significant player in the financial industry, the sudden downfall of Silicon Valley Bank left many organizations fighting to secure their funds deposited at the Bank and clarify the status of the active projects in which SVP was an investor. Sensing member concern about the situation, MACDC held an emergency meeting on Monday, March 13th, to discuss how the downfall of Silicon Valley Bank impacts our field, and we should respond as an Association.

In addition to sharing vital information about appropriate responses by CDCs, participants in the emergency meeting decided that MACDC and its members should endeavor to bring public attention to the potential impact of the bank closure on affordable housing and other community development activities. During the next 72 hours, MACDC, in collaboration with several member CDCs, messaged intensively to local media contacts, resulting in over a dozen articles and reports highlighting the community development challenges associated with SVB's demise.

The loss of vital loans and financial resources that these nonprofit organizations depend on to support affordable housing projects, infrastructure improvements, and community revitalization efforts is an immediate cause of the closure of SVB. These projects directly contribute to local communities' economic growth and stability.

SVB has played a vital role in funding affordable housing projects in our region; according to the Boston Globe, SVB has loaned over $2.7 billion and made investments worth $1.3 billion in new construction or rehabilitation projects. The federal government assured depositors that their funds held at SVB would be accessible even after the bank's collapse; however, the repercussions of the fall of SVB for affordable housing development in Massachusetts continues to be a matter of concern.

Over the weekend, when the news about SVB broke, MACDC's Interim Executive Director, Kevin Murray, stayed engaged with members to discuss the outcomes and reassure them that MACDC is aware of the situation and will be working with them to find a solution to the loss of this development finance partner. In addition to the contact made over the weekend, one-on-one meetings were held with our members to provide support and help ensure members were aware of the situation and how it would impact our field.

MACDC will continue to monitor the situation, support our members as needed, and advocate for a public disposition of SVB that minimizes the impact on the families and communities served by our member organizations.

Thoughts As I Clean My Office

December 29th, 2022 by Joe Kriesberg

As I start to pack up my office after nearly 30 years at MACDC, I have been thinking a lot about the past, present, and future of the CDC sector in Massachusetts.  Yes, the old photos and documents bring back memories, but they also inspire excitement about what is possible in the future. I’m not sure these thoughts have coalesced into a coherent and comprehensive vision, but I figured I would share them before I leave MACDC as a contribution to the never-ending and always-needed conversation about how to build a stronger and more impactful community development field.

Perhaps the biggest challenge for the field throughout my 30 years has been how to think about community voice and community power.  There was literally a raging debate about this at my first MACDC board meeting in July 1993 and the conversation continues to this day. As neighborhood demographics change, what does it mean to listen to the voice of the “community”? Which community? Whose community?  Is a community a geographic place or a group of people with shared history and culture? The occasional tension residents in gentrifying neighborhoods who are concerned about new development and others who are pushing for new (and more dense) development is a great example of the emerging complexities.  So too are the frequent tensions between homeowners and renters or between those already living in subsidized housing and those who cannot get in or between long-term residents and newcomers. Some community residents want long-term affordability restrictions and others want to create more opportunities for family wealth building through homeownership.

I don’t profess to have any answers here, but I think we should always challenge and question statements that begin with some version of “The Community wants (or does not want) this”.  Such statements should be followed by questions – which community? Which voices are speaking? Have future residents of this neighborhood been consulted? Do younger and older residents agree? Are you talking about people in the immediate neighborhood or the entire city or the region? Who has a stake in these decisions?  And what do we do when reasonable people simply disagree? These questions will force all of us to deal honestly and directly with the tensions, trade-offs and choices that are inevitable in a diverse society.

Like many housing advocates, I have learned to love the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit despite its many inherent problems such as high transaction costs and complicated deal structures. The program has proven itself as a resilient and effective way to build high-quality affordable housing. Unfortunately, I do think that we too often treat the LIHTC program as the sun around which every other housing program must revolve.  LIHTC never acts alone.  LIHTC deals nearly always require significant funding from Section 8 – both project-based vouchers and mobile voucher holders – as well as significant soft debt from state and local funding sources.  Indeed, by some estimates, LIHTC deals soak up 90% or more of the other subsidy dollars available in the system.  This has meant that too often the affordable housing industry is a one-note band building and preserving LIHTC deals and not much else.  Thankfully, the Commonwealth Builder program has put homeownership back into the equation.  Still, we need an affordable housing industry that can be more responsive to the different needs and opportunities that exist.  Four areas stand out for more investment:

We need the state to invest substantially in Community Scale Housing.  The state tried a Community Scale Housing program a few years ago, but imposed funding caps that made it nearly impossible to use – subsidy caps that were dramatically lower than those for LIHTC deals. At minimum, let’s level the subsidy playing field between big and small projects.

We need to greatly expand efforts to acquire so-called naturally occurring affordable housing to ensure its long-term affordability.  Boston and Somerville have such programs and other jurisdictions are trying but the state needs to come to the table in a much bigger way.  Yes, these deals are hard, but if we create the subsidy and financing infrastructure we can make them a bit easier.

We also need a much bigger investment in housing rehab to make housing safe, healthy and ultimately decarbonized. I’m excited that MACDC has a five year grant to advance this work.

We need to find a way to produce reasonably affordable housing without investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in subsidy for each unit.  Is there a way to combine up-zoning reform, public land  and shallow subsidies to create starter homes and mid-market apartments? I don’t know the answer, but we can’t solve the scale of our housing problem without significantly reducing the per unit subsidy levels that are now commonplace in our sector.

Speaking of housing, we need to accept the reality that housing is far too complex to be solved by just one or two policy interventions.  I recently read an article that outlined 13 distinct housing challenges!  Let’s always remember that the most important word in housing policy is the word “and”.  We need more market rate housing AND more affordable housing AND more tenant protections AND more rental vouchers AND more homeownership funding AND the list goes on and on.  Housing advocates must find a way to unite across these various issues to build momentum for a more comprehensive and balanced housing agenda.  At a minimum, we should try to avoid pitting one intervention against another in attempt to gain momentum for our priority.

Innovation and experimentation have been a hallmark of the field throughout the decades.  Community developers at both the local and state level are continually creating new programs, new policies, and new strategies to address the ever-evolving dynamics in our neighborhoods.  This trend continues to this day, and it will be vital to our future.  Nearly everything about the context of our work has changed and is changing – housing markets, neighborhood demographics, the political context, the media context, communications technology, capital markets, work culture and more. The pandemic has accelerated and amplified many of these trends.  Community development leaders – and funders – need to continue challenging old ways of doing business and supporting experimentation.  Inevitably, some experiments will fail or partially fail, and we need to have the courage and integrity to recognize when things are not working. Indeed, failures should often be celebrated and honored as opportunities to learn and improve.  I think the field is ripe for a sector-wide conversation about the future of the field, like what we did in 2007-2009 with our Community Development Innovation Forum.

Years ago, I was interviewing a job applicant who had spent the early part of his career in the environmental field.  I had done the same thing, spending several years working on clean energy issues before making a conscious choice to switch to community development.  This applicant, however, looked at me blankly when I asked why he was switching fields.  He said something to the effect of “I’m not switching fields – environmental justice and community development are the same field”.   How right he was! The Climate Justice and Environmental Justice movements are now deeply intertwined with community development, and I think environmental policy will have as much of an impact on the future of our field as housing policy. In fact, they can never again be separated. I’m proud that MACDC has been actively leading this convergence with our role in the Housing & Environment Revenue Options (HERO) Campaign to create dedicated revenue for housing and climate investments. We are also part of the campaign to put $300 million into a Zero Carbon Renovation Fund and we are co-sponsors of a growing program called DASH – Decarbonizing Affordable Subsidized Housing with LISC-Boston and New Ecology.  I urge community developers to avoid the temptation to resist change due to legitimate concerns about costs or complexities.  Rather, let’s be the climate leaders who focus on “how” to get it done.

What is a CDC?  This is a question that has challenged me and many of us for decades.  Here in Massachusetts, we have had a state law that defines the term since the mid-1970s thanks to legislation sponsored by Mel King. During the Community Development Innovation Forum of 2007-09, we developed a new, updated definition that was eventually enacted into law in 2010.  That said, the law did not settle the question.  While DHCD is now responsible for certifying non-profits who apply to be a CDC, there are often close calls that make it challenging.  

What does it mean in practice to require that the community have “meaningful representation” ? How much representation is “meaningful”?  

We require that they have a mission of community development, but what does that term mean today? Does it require real estate development or not? What activities should qualify? 

What does it mean to say that community development must be the organization’s priority? What do we say about multi-service organizations for whom community development is one focus area? Is this the classic case of “you know it when you see it”?  

One of the major challenges associated with CDC certification is deciding what qualifies as a community.  Historically, many of us have thought of community development as “placed-based” work, but what is a place?  Is it a neighborhood? A City? A Region? A State? Does community development even have to be placed-based or can it be grounded in a racial, ethnic, or religious community?  

Over the years, I have had to negotiate these lines on many occasions.  They can be further complicated by turf battles and even personality conflicts among non-profit leaders. How many CDCs can co-exist in the same place? Does this even matter when determining whether to certify a group?  In general, I have leaned toward a more inclusive definition but there is a risk that we water down the concept by being too inclusive.  Overall, I think DHCD has done an excellent job, but this question is going to remain a challenging one for MACDC and the entire sector.

CDCs proved to be incredibly nimble at navigating the pandemic by shifting to virtual programming in 2020 and then again to various levels of hybrid operations in the two years since.  Most CDCs continue to provide vital in-person services and programs while also expanding what they offer on-line.  As we move into the post COVID-era, however, I worry how remote and virtual service delivery could impact the CDC field.  Can placed based groups compete with functionally specialized organizations when people can access services from anywhere in the world?  Will remote programming accelerate the shift away from local groups and local service delivery?  What will be gained or lost from such a shift.  The answers to these questions could have profound impact on the future of the field.

For years, CDC leaders have anticipated the coming generational shift in leadership from the baby boom generation to everyone else! Indeed, one of the reasons we created the Mel King Institute was to help prepare the next generation of leaders.  Well, the future is now. I’m hardly the only CDC leader moving on.  Over the past three years, fully one-third of the CDC executive Directors in Massachusetts have left their jobs.  ONE THIRD!  The new leaders are younger and more diverse and bring a host of new ideas and skills to the job.  I’ve been honored to support many of them as they take on these new roles and I can attest that these leaders are up to the challenges laid out above.  They are going to bring new thinking and new ideas to these long-standing questions:  There is no doubt that when it comes to community development, the future is now and the future is bright!

I could probably go on and on.  Supplier diversity. Small business development. Health Equity. Racial justice.  Where does the field go from here? What is our role in these broader social movements. But I’m now officially running out of time so I will have to leave those questions and topics for another day. I have just a few days left to pack the office and write my exit memos. Starting in January, my place in the community development field will change but I plan maintain a role and a voice in the field.  MassINC’s mission is to promote economic inclusion and civic vitality.  In many ways, this is precisely what the community development field is all about.  I am excited about the many potential opportunities for MassINC to collaborate with MACDC and others in this sector as we advance our shared goals and values.  Please reach out when you see such opportunities and rest assured, for better or worse, I’ll still be around!  

In the meantime, I wish everyone a safe and healthy new year!  May we all find peace and joy in our lives and in the world.

MACDC and three CDCs Receive awards from Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds

December 5th, 2022 by

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) has announced the 2022 awards of the Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds (MA CHHA Funds or The Funds). As part of these awards, DPH, the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) and the implementing partner Health Resources in Action, Inc. (HRiA), will join with the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations, the Southeast Asian Coalition of Central Massachusetts (SEACMA), Community Teamwork, Community Development Partnership (CDP) and 20 other organizations across Massachusetts and more than 35 of their community partners, including non-profit community-based organizations, municipalities, and coalitions. All of these organizations have committed to leading efforts to address the root causes of health inequities by disrupting systemic barriers to health and tackling institutional and structural racism head-on. Due to the pandemic, the need to support such efforts is even more imperative.  


In total ~$15.6M in grants will support 24 lead organizations and 35 of their partner organizations implementing strategies, ultimately impacting 183 cities and towns across the state. CDP’s project will be focused on the Lower Cape community and Community Teamwork will be focused on Lowell residents. SEACMA’s project will impact health outcome throughout Central and Western Massachusetts and MACDC’s efforts will be geared towards Massachusetts’ Gateway Cities. 


“The trust that the MA CHHA Funds (or The Funds) has put in MACDC and our members is indicative of an understanding of the huge impact that people’s economic conditions have on their health outcomes. Community development has a key role in improving those economic conditions and thereby improving health equity,” says Elana Brochin, MACDC’s Program Director for Health Equity.  


The goal of The Funds is to work with community partners to disrupt barriers to health, increase awareness and address the impact of structural racism on population health, and to create long-term, meaningful changes in population health outcomes.  


The Funds invests in initiatives in three core areas of focus including those:  

  • Working on long-lasting, community-driven policy, systems, and environmental changes that will make it easier to lead healthy lives and which will reduce health inequities such as racial patterns of segregation in communities and a lack of affordable housing production; 

  • Organizing and coordinating Community Health Improvement Planning efforts which convene multi-sector partnerships to collectively set and address community health goals, and; 

  • Working to address policies and systems that increase opportunities for healthy aging. 


Recognizing the complex ways in which systems impact health, the investments will support a wide range of activities across the Commonwealth 


The following are descriptions of the projects on which MACDC and our members will be embarking with support from the Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds: 


CDP’s Lower Cape Community Housing Partnership addresses housing insecurity in the Lower Cape region equipping residents, business owners, community leaders and local officials with the knowledge and skills needed to support the creation of more homes in the eight towns of the Lower Cape. With this funding CDP will use the community organizing component of the program to support systems change around land use policies in order to increase housing production.   


Community Teamwork will establish Advancing Housing Equity for Seniors project, in partnership with Age Friendly Lowell, Coalition for a Better Acre, REACH Lowell, and Community Teamwork’s AmeriCorps Senior Programs to address the root cause of housing instability among low-income seniors.   


SEACMA’s Health Aging-In-Place project is planning to address interconnected barriers to aging- in-place in a way that is secure and healthy. SEACMA will assess, plan, and implement culturally relevant service expansion for Southeast Asian elders in Central and Western Massachusetts; advocate for the implementation of culturally relevant services and programs with partner organizations; and engage and train elders and their caregivers for self-advocacy.   


MACDC’s Housing Quality and Health (HQH) Equity Initiative will tackle poor housing quality and associated housing instability, and address the corresponding racial health inequities, by improving existing housing stock in Gateway Cities.  


“Through partnership with Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds, MACDC and our members will have significant positive impact on health outcomes in our communities throughout the state,” says Brochin. 


The Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds were created in January 2017 when DPH completed a landmark revision of its Determination of Need (DoN) regulation, which authorized the creation of these Funds.  DPH provides overall guidance to the Funds and Health Resources in Action, Inc. acts as a fiduciary and implementing partner. The Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) partners with DPH to support the Healthy Aging Fund. 


More information about the Funds can be found at

Joe Kriesberg Announces Departure from MACDC

November 10th, 2022 by Joe Kriesberg

Dear Friends,

After nearly 30 years at MACDC, including 20 as President & CEO, I have decided that it is time for me to take on a new challenge. I have informed the MACDC Board that I plan to leave MACDC at the end of this year. I am also delighted to share that I will be taking on the role of CEO at MassINC starting in January.

As you can imagine, I did not make this decision lightly. I have absolutely loved my time at MACDC and I remain a total believer in the power of community development to change lives, change communities, and change the world. I am proud of the many things we have accomplished together over the past 29+ years, many of which are highlighted in the MACDC Timeline that we produced for our 40th anniversary celebration. These include:

  • Winning legislative campaigns that have advanced economic opportunity and equity, and strengthened the CDC sector, not the least of which is the Community Investment Tax Credit
  • Securing significant budgetary wins that have steered dollars to worthy programs and investments
  • Creating institutions that will serve the community for years, such as the Life Initiative, the Property & Casualty Initiative, the Mass. Growth Capital Corporation, The National Alliance for Community Economic Development Associations, the Coalition for an Equitable Economy, and, of course, the Mel King Institute for Community Building
  • Sustaining a strong community development network through our peer-networking programs, member events, and other capacity building programs
  • Building a powerful movement that commands the attention of policy makers, including candidates for Governor who now routinely participate in our Candidate Forum at the MACDC Convention every four years.

I came to MACDC and stayed here because I wanted to have a positive impact and I'm confident that these results have indeed improved the lives of thousands of people across the Commonwealth. At the same time, what often sustained me in doing this work are the wonderful colleagues from across the state and the country with whom I have had the privilege to work. It has been these personal relationships that have provided me with the support, the counsel, the laughter, and the love that makes this work so meaningful and so much fun. I certainly felt this sense of community two weeks ago at the MACDC Convention in Worcester! I will always cherish my years at MACDC.

Of course, to everything there is a season, and I believe that now is the right time for me to try something new. MACDC is well positioned for the future and ready for new leadership. For me, I'm excited about the opportunity to lead MassINC, an organization that I have long admired with a mission in which I believe deeply. For those who may not know, MassINC seeks to "make Massachusetts a place of civic vitality and inclusive economic opportunity by providing residents the nonpartisan research, reporting, analysis, and civic engagement necessary to understand policy choices, inform decision making, and hold the government accountable."

Given the state of the world today, I cannot think of a more important task than fostering civic vitality and inclusive economic opportunity. I fully expect that I will continue to work with many of you in the years to come given the significant overlap between MassINC's work and community development. I invite you to reach out to me to share your ideas and thoughts about such opportunities or just to say hello. Please don't be a stranger!

I will remain at MACDC for the next two months working to ensure a successful transition. We have a strong board and staff that are ready to step up. MACDC's best days are in the future!

With gratitude,



A Message from MACDC's Board Chair, Angie Liou

Dear Colleagues,

As we prepare to bid farewell to our longtime President Joe Kriesberg, the MACDC board of directors would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Joe for providing over two decades of leadership in Massachusetts for the community development field. We can find Joe's fingerprints on legislative wins ranging from housing, zoning, small business, health, and climate issues. We have Joe to thank for increasing the capacity of CDCs via the establishment of the Mel King Institute and the creation of the Community Investment Tax Credit. These resources enable our CDCs to tackle the community and economic development issues that most affect our communities and residents, whose voices tend to be excluded. Equally important is Joe's leadership during the past two and a half years of the pandemic in advocating for small business relief and tenant assistance while also helping our members navigate unprecedented challenges and working with community organizers and others to launch the Racial Equity Pledge.

As MACDC moves through this transition period over the next two months, the board is working closely with Joe and the staff to put together an interim leadership plan to ensure that MACDC continues to offer high quality programs and services to our members while pursuing our policy agenda with the Legislature and the new Governor. During this time, I and other MACDC board members will make ourselves available to support the staff and the organization.

Simultaneously, the MACDC board will immediately begin a search for a permanent President to lead MACDC into the next chapter. The board will undertake a search process that ensures we field a wide net of diverse candidates, and we will work closely with the new President to ensure a smooth transition. MACDC's financial outlook remains stable, we have a talented and experienced staff, and we have a strong and committed board to guide the organization through this transition.

Please join me in congratulating Joe on his new role as the CEO of MassINC!


Angie Liou, Board Chair

MACDC Housing Quality and Health Equity Initiative Awarded Funding

November 10th, 2022 by Don Bianchi

MACDC is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a five-year grant for its Housing Quality and Health (HQH) Equity Initiative. The grant from the Massachusetts Community Health and Aging Funds will support MACDC’s efforts to address racial health inequities caused by poor quality housing. 

MACDC is among 24 nonprofit organizations that were collectively awarded $15.6 million in grants in three core areas.  Three CDCs- Community Development Partnership, Community Teamwork, and Southeast Asian Coalition of Central MA- also received awards.  MACDC’s award, in the core area of creating long-lasting, community-driven policy, systems, and environmental changes, will focus on addressing the health hazards posed by lead paint and poor indoor air quality. 

In order to address racial health inequities resulting from poor housing quality, MACDC will concentrate its initial work in 5 Gateway Cities which we will select based on need and on the potential to address the problems identified. In these cities, ultimately, we aim to secure new resources to address housing quality problems that impact health, and substantially improve housing quality. Our immediate focus will be on intensive community engagement in these cities: with municipal leaders, CDCs, community residents, and other grassroots organizations. With these community representatives, we will identify the local housing quality problems and their health manifestations, particularly for households of color and low-income households.  

Concurrently, MACDC will: 

Commission a report, which will document the extent of housing quality problems linked to lead paint and poor indoor air quality statewide, document the resources and programs available to address these problems, and identify the gaps in addressing the housing quality problems, and their disproportionate impact on the populations described in the prior paragraph.  

Work to secure new resources to significantly improve the housing quality in these cities, and thereby improve resident health. Ultimately, the plan is to utilize the knowledge gained from the local work, and the additional resources secured, to scale up efforts to address housing quality problems in communities across the Commonwealth. 

The HQH Equity Initiative will build upon the work of the HQH Task Force, a group of experienced practitioners consisting of advocates in the health equity, housing, elder and disability fields; healthcare providers; and data professionals- who have guided MACDC’s housing quality and health work over the past year. 

The work will be co-staffed at MACDC by Elana Brochin, Program Director for Health Equity, and Don Bianchi, Director of Housing. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Don at

MACDC Resident Leadership Academy trainers attend Kripalu

November 2nd, 2022 by John Fitterer

In August and September of 2022, the Resident Leadership Academy had the wonderful opportunity to send our staff Sarah Byrnes, Resident Leadership Academy Director and Tiana Lawrence, Mel King Institute Program Associate along with several RLA trainers to participate in the overnight Retreat and Renewal program at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Stockbridge, MA. Kripalu is a well-known nonprofit educational organization that is centered on centuries-old teachings of yoga, mindfulness, and both personal and communal transformation. CLICK HERE to read more.

Valley CDC: Adopted Racial Equity Pledge, Next Steps

October 31st, 2022 by Mila Roemer
At its Annual Meeting in November 2021, the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations (MACDC) committed to a Racial Equity Pledge, upholding their dedication to making their organization a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive place. As of June 2022, 28 member organizations have signed on to the pledge as well. The pledge stemmed from a push for more racial equity from the CDC movement in the summer of 2020.
Organizations that have adopted the pledge are signing on to embrace four key values:
I. committing to learning and addressing the different levels of racism so they can take action to dismantle those inequities;
II. their staff should be diverse, equitable, inclusive, and representative of the communities they serve;
III. their board should be diverse, equitable, inclusive, and representative of the communities they serve; and
IV. authentic representation in programming/services.
Previously, I’ve spoken with staff from Harborlight Community Partners, Cape Community Development Partners, Somerville Community Corporation, and Codman Square NDC about their action plans to advance racial equity. In this interview, I spoke with Alexis Breiteneicher, Executive Director at Valley CDC. Valley CDC serves low- to moderate-income communities in Hampshire County in Western MA through affordable housing and small business development. Breiteneicher’s experience with the racial equity pledge is unique compared to other CDC staff with whom I’ve spoken as she joined Valley CDC about two weeks after the pledge was adopted in December of 2021.
Breiteneicher reflected on the unique dynamic of racial equity work in Hampshire County, whose population has a significant white majority. Despite this, the tenants in the housing developments managed by Valley CDC are much more diverse. One major issue she’s looking to address is the discrepancy between the racial diversity living in Valley properties and the lack thereof on Valley’s board. Breiteneicher says Valley is working to incorporate more people of color on their board. A major aspect of this is in incorporating tenant representation. “It’s important that we have tenants on our board, especially because they represent a more diverse population that the rest of the county,” said Breiteneicher. 
Beyond representation, Breiteneicher also says that Valley CDC is working on organizing DEI training for staff and board members. An important first step, Breiteneicher said, was to “make sure everyone is on the same page,” from board to staff members. “We have Racial Equity Lunch & Learns every other month,” she added, where staff and board members discuss “DEI concepts, past and present racial discrimination, and other systems of oppression, as well as how they relate to our organization.”
Working in the primarily white and rural communities of Hampshire County has provided several unique challenges for Valley CDC. One such challenge, says Breiteneicher, is that it's difficult to hire and contract work to BIPOC-owned businesses. “If I need printing work done, it’s not like I have a number of businesses to choose from– there’s one printer and that’s it,” she explains.
Challenges aside, Breiteneicher says “really appreciative to MACDC for developing the pledge,” saying that it “serv[es] as a tool to facilitate the work,” and that she’s been able to use the public nature of the pledge to “put our feet to the fire.”
MACDC hosts meetings for both members who have already adopted the pledge and for those who are considering it. To support members in their implementation, we also offer member-only workshop opportunities through the Mel King Institute. For more information and a full list of adoptees, visit the Racial Equity Webpage.

In Memory of Thomas Ruffen

September 3rd, 2022 by

The Mel King Institute mourns the passing of Thomas Ruffen, who worked as a trainer at our Resident Leadership Academy. Thomas was an incredibly gifted organizer and community leader. His death is a senseless tragedy for the Mildred C. Hailey community and beyond. He will be missed by our staff, trainers, and the public housing residents he trained throughout Massachusetts.

In March the Mel King Institute recorded Thomas telling the story of how he, other residents, and GBIO secured $50 million in badly needed funding for Mildred C. Hailey. The story is available here.


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